Bact to Sleep
All microorganisms are exposed to periodic stresses that prevent them from growing. A recent study revealed that bacteria such as Vibrio parahaemolyticus survive extreme environments by establishing a dormant, non-replicating state known as quiescence or dormancy.
This piece serves as a visual metaphor for the study. It is intended to attract the interest of the educated lay public to read about the research article. This cover depicts a dormant bacterium inside a snowglobe where it is protected from the cold temperature outside.
Educated Lay Public
Prof. Marc Dryer
April 2021
Autodesk Maya
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Process work
After coming up with the visual metaphor, I played around with different layouts and decided on a centered composition.

Comprehensive sketch
A comprehensive sketch was created using Procreate, and texts and layout were added using Adobe Illustrator.
